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A dream, retold and copied-stored away-USED for Memory. A memory, put to use, taken apart and saved for inspiration and motivation. Fix, Wreck, Arrange & Destroy. Replay. Fix, Wreck, Arrange & Destroy. Replay.Fix, Wreck, Arrange & Destroy. STOP. HyperModern fiction.
This is HyperModern fiction. Raw: FLAWS AND DEBRIS. D.I.Y. Fast FWD and no way back-WHERE to GO? Forward: FAST. Luv Technology: Ghetto-Tech: Forward: FAST, While Advancing: With-The-PAST.
Punk, CyberPuNk, Ghetto-Tech, Machine, Noise, Industrial, Destruction, Solution, & a Way Out. NOW-Today. HERE: HyperModern fiction. Not Polished, Not Propperly Assembled. Fixed, Put Together, D.I.Y., Waste, Used, Sampled, Borrowed-Fixed: Non-Compliance - Non-Aggressive. Non-Contagious - Non-Involvement. Non-Productive - Non-Religious. Non-Resistant - Non-Subjective. BEAST: KMFDM. CyberPuNk fiction: HyperModern fiction.
Eugene-John, HyperModern fiction.


HyperModern fiction:
Upload: MechFLESH:Sirens - 06:21:03:11

>>The sound reminds me of: Dreams (no longer functioning). Sirens in bloom in-memories promise [nothing is forgotten] Wetwired and pulsating, unhinged and/or misplaced: Functioning as program://LIFE - maintained and kept - running-on-empty-ALWAYS falling apart=Blossoming sirens find their way-away from me. Words escape-find a way=traveling distance>>"I find myself in a million places" Good job! haujobb. Skinjob. Nothing is forgotten (everything's forgiven) "Must Let Go/But Never Throw Away" -D_DiN: Peril Eyes. Informatik. In-memories::faith is awaken.Retina: Glimpse of brand NEW Heaven: Sirens echo the sound of LIFE: Functioning as program: LIFE - breathing: There Is A Way Out - no way out in-memories:: promise.
Copyright © 2006-2010, Eugene-John Ramírez Pescoran.



HyperModern fiction writer


E-mail: Eugene-John@hotmail.com


All Stories, Artwork & Designs © Copyright 2011, Eugene-John Ramírez Pescoran.